Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays

As we rapidly approach the end of another incredible year and the holiday festivities get cranked up I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Reflecting on my fortunate past comes so easy to me this time of year. Regardless of personal or professional struggles I may have had the super majority of my life has been blessed with loving family and friends and a very successful professional career.  I challenge everyone to put their own lives in perspective this holiday season.  Take a few moments to remember the tragedies that have occurred in our own back yard and around the world.  The victims of 911, the floods in New Orleans and surrounding areas, the fires in California, the thousands of children inflicted with life-ending disease and the millions inflicted with mental/psychological challenges.

Be grateful and appreciative, loving and caring, sensitive and honest.  Give with heart not only with money.  Give with respect not for respect.  Love those that are with you, inspire those that are influenced by you and offer a prayer for those you haven't met.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Victor Puchi, CPA


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Succession Planning

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, challenges small to mid-sized business owners face is that of succession planning.  Finding the right person or people to hand the reigns over to should be a process that lasts years not months.  It is difficult to accept that whoever that next person is, they won't be you and they won't run the place like you either.

So what can be done to increase the success of handing things over to the "next generation"? First of all, don't limit your options and plan plan plan.  One of the most important things I have learned over the 20 plus years of being a business owner and advisor is to make sure you have an exit strategy as early in the game as possible.  I now teach young entrepreneurs to make sure part of the business plan is an exit strategy.  What options are there?

For the most part there are 3 options to exit.  First is to hand it over to an insider.  That would be someone that has been working for you that understands how the business works and is willing to pay for the opportunity to drive the bus going forward.  Second, is a sale to a competitor or larger enterprise that has an interest in your market and your brand.  The third is a variation of the second and that would be to merge with a competitor or a complimentary business that gives both entities a benefit.  There is the option to liquidate or close the business but I don't think of that as succession planning even though it is an exit strategy.

Finding the right player is always the difficult part.  A successful business almost always has clearly defined core values and you want them to stay in tack so you need someone that understand and believes in yours.  You also want to make sure there is strong leadership and passion for the business along with aptitude, compassion and strong business acumen.  Now you start seeing why this is such a challenge!  The good news is that this happens all the time so you aren't the first person to have to do this.  The bad news is that at least half of these fail within the first 3 years.

The point here is to take your time and think about how you can best transfer what you know about the business, people, customers, process, market, industry, and all the tricks of the trade to that lucky chosen one.  Invest time and money to educate and edify or to investigate a potential buyer/merger candidate to find the best fit possible.  Understand that there is great value in mentoring, shadowing, selecting a protege, or whatever you want to call it.  The training for the next leader should be much different than any other position in the business because the business owner is a unique position.

Be aware that businesses, like people, have a period when they are in their prime so don't wait too long if you want to maximize the chance of success and value.

Victor D Puchi, CPA

Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.