Monday, November 2, 2009

Staying Grounded

I was on a nice direct flight from Phoenix to Chicago yesterday and was able to listen to a great book called "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg...what a great book!

How many times have we seen a person at work that just seems like they have it all and are going to be greatly successful but never quite get there? Maybe you've seen it in your children? I know I have and still struggle with one of my children that just hasn't quite given in to the ways of the world yet. The premise of the message in "The Go-Giver" is that you must be willing to receive in order to get and "receiving" is required in order for "giving" to even happen. Remember the message "It's better to give than to receive"?

I don't know about all of you, but I think we could all use a reminder every once in a while, ok maybe its more of a kick in the butt! In either case Bob Burg does a fabulous job of "waking you up" in this short but powerful book. Do yourself a favor and read this NOW. You, your students, family, friends, clients, staff and everyone around you will benefit if you do a bit more than just read it too. I know you all will, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. In case you like to listen to books there's a link to the audio book from itunes on

Good luck today, go make a difference in someone's life!


Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.