Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Clear Message

Well that sure was a long break....I recommend not catching the flu if you want to be productive....ouch!

So right after I  posted my first blog "Teach to Win" I started getting comments about the real ability to teach someone how to win.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I hadn't been clear enough in my original message.

I'm not sure if you can teach someone how to win and that isn't what I intended to communicate. My message is that if you teach people what you know then they get ahead (win) and you fulfill what I believe is each and everyone of our obligations to society (educating).  So when you teach someone you fulfill that obligation and that is winning in life, hence the title "Teach to Win".

You see, I believe that everyone has something of value to teach someone else but we never know when or what that might be.  Those of us that can look at our lives and feel like we've done "OK" and have a sense of accomplishment probably have actually achieved quite a bit.  Whether you have graduated top of your class, reached middle management, raised a family, become a politician or started and run your own business you have experienced many things and struggled through things that thousands of others that follow that path will undoubtedly struggle with and experience too.  Why not share your struggles and experiences with them so that they need not struggle as hard?  Isn't that what you wished would have happened to you?  Maybe it did happen to you, so return the favor!  If so, then you too believe in Teach to Win and I thank you and so does your fellow man.

I hope my message is clear now.  I want to share my experiences as a business owner, a husband, a father and a student.

Please give me your thoughts and share your wealth of knowledge with us all.


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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.