Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The New American Dream

The way I always heard the story was that people came to America from around the world to have freedom and financial stability....The American Dream!

Doesn't the word "dream" tell us that it might not always be reality or that the dream may be bigger than life?  Do you think the fat cats of our largest financial institutions or auto companies have lost site of this?  What about our political leaders?  They certainly must always have this in mind, as is it not their responsibility to keep this nation as great and greater than always?

Somebody needs to get all of these "leaders" and send them back to the basics.  Maybe they should all have to run their own businesses using their own money and credit for ten years.  Until they are able to prove they can grow a business and manage money and people they shouldn't be able to take a seat where they are responsible for TRILLIONS of dollars the rest of us spend a lifetime trying to generate. That way sex, color or political party preference would all be the same....Red, White and Blue.

What are we teaching our young "professionals-to-be"?  Go get the best degree you can from the most prestigious school around and latch on to a big company.  Don't disrupt anything, play nice and always make sure nobody knows what you're doing.  Pretty soon you can be the CEO of one our nations pride and joy companies and flush it down the toilet while you become a millionaire.  Don't worry, Congress will make the rest of America pay for it and you can travel the world on your private jet!

By Victor D Puchi, CPA

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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.