Thursday, March 11, 2010

Making the Change

Inevitably we will all make a career/employment change at some point in our lives. Personally I'm in the middle of my 5th employer and 2nd career change. This feels like the most difficult but I'm also most optimistic about this being my last change. Of course, I'm older, but still have a good 20 years of strong production left in me.....I hope! The interesting thing about his change is that I find myself feeling sad and relieved at the same time. Why?

What I'm learning and want to share with you is that during trying times, you must continue to check in on your beliefs, morales or whatever drives your core. I'm leaving because there are basic philosophical business differences between my current partners and myself. The differences are so core that changing them just isn't going to happen, I've already tried for 10 years. I cannot see myself spending the rest of my career battling things that cannot be won. The sadness comes from seeing potential and loving everything else about the position I'm in bu knowing it will never get achieved here. Stay true to your core!!!

What we sometimes don't realize is who we become or how we behave around others when we're experiencing troubles in some part of our lives. My family and friends experience me as a frustrated person instead of a happy fun for them, no fun for me and no fun for the people I work with and nobody is getting any younger...That's why you make changes! Believe in your core, listen to the people you love and trust and strive to be happy, we only have one life. We all have the power of choice. Doing the right thing can ge hard and very difficult to decipher, but when you recognize things aren't right...invoke your power to change and live happily.

I wish all my current partners the best of luck and will always willingly help with anything I can. R&A CPAs is a great professional firm but Eide Bailly sees what I see and my struggles today will be the peace tomorrow!

Speaking of struggles, this economy has taken its toll on all of us. Never be afraid of looking for new ways to supplement your current income or reach out to help others. I remind you that Tampogo is a great way to do both. I encourage everyone to visit the site and see how easy it is to build a simple, no pressure network of caring people that can save lives and add a little cushion to your pocketbook.


1 comment:

Dee said...

Well said….Its often very hard to own up to the fact that what you want so bad isn’t gonna happen no matter how hard you work at it. It can be difficult to swallow. To make a jump into the unknown can be scary and I commend you for going for it and taking that chance.

Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.