Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Basics

Well how many times have you been frustrated after having spent so much time teaching someone something only to find out that they "just don't get it"?

I know we've all heard that not everyone learns the same way and that maybe we need to change the delivery and various similar hints. There are two components to this I would like to discuss that I believe are key to anyone's success as a teacher.

First and most important, in my book, is we must learn to listen! Don't just listen for the question but listen to learn about the person and how their brain works. We give hints about ourselves by the way we speak, the words we use and the way we try to explain things. We can even learn by watching the way someone doesn't ask questions or get involved in discussions. Learning, and hence teaching, is just as much about trust as it is about knowledge. You need to make your audience trust you in order for them to really want to listen and learn from you. Get to know them and let them get to know you....priceless.

The other component to this is making sure you don't get frustrated when the message doesn't seem to be reaching the audience. There could be numerous reasons why, some of which I just mentioned. I was reading a book on how to trade options in the stock market by Wade Cook (yes I've made some dumb decisions too) some 10 years ago and he quoted someone but I can't remember who or what the name of this book is. Anyway, the quote has remained very fresh in my mind and I find it holding true time after time after time. So here it goes, "when the student is ready, the teacher shall appear".

Look, we are in our leadership positions because we have talent and don't forget that you have done something good in order to get to where you are...don't take that away from yourself. If the person(s) you are trying to teach don't want to learn they won't, so don't beat yourself up.

Be proud, be productive, you are the reason this country is so successful!

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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.