Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Why does it seem like everytime you get a group of new students you end up with a favorite?Does this damage your ability to teach everyone else fairly? For one thing, we are humans with feelings and so I believe its a bit natural to be "pulled" or to "pull" that special one a little closer to us. I also think we want to have a success story, so we look for that one student that is just soaking it up and try to make sure they succeed.
That may be all fine and dandy but our purpose should be to teach all of them. I was reading Tony Dungy's book and in one of the chapters he quotes his father, his greatest teacher, as saying "all students deserve an A". To me this means that every student deserves your attention and you should try to find a way to help them succeed.
It's too easy to get frustrated with those that don't "get it" right away. I have a new crew in my office as I write this and some are faster than others but I'm determined to give them all a fair shake and challenge myself to be the teacher that actually taught them something and made a difference in their lives.
As a teacher and mentor, every student should be your favorite! I guarantee you each and everyone one of them is special and they deserve the attention.

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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.