Sunday, September 20, 2009

Change is Good

Why is it so difficult for people to deal with change? After all isn't change supposed to be good?

Personally I believe change is a must. From a business owners perspective change means life. If your business isn't changing and evolving it will become stale and your customers will find an alternative in a heartbeat. So what about from the personal side?

People are constantly changing, every minute of every day, again that's life. Every minute is a new experience and we take it in, process and react...poof we've changed! So why is it so hard to change the way we do things? Is it lack of leadership, motivation, clarity, validity? I supposed it could be any, all or any combination of those and other items too. A bit ironic don't you think? Change is good but making the change is extremely difficult?

What about all of the newly unemployed? Talk about change! I've found a great resource to pump up the motivation for anyone in the process of thinking about change or in the process of executing a change. It's a short movie called Change is Good.

The source of this move is from a company called Simple Truths, my favorite site for motivational resources. I post some of my favorite movies and books from the company on my site Raendrop. The point to all of this is to educate yourself on how to make change easier. Learn how to motivate the people that are critical to the success of the change. After all, the change is good only if its successful and that is a matter of opinion. Embrace change, instigate change and lead the change, but please educate yourself first then Teach and success will follow.

Good luck, keep the chin up and make a change!


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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.