Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

This is quite an ironic day to be celebrating the fruits of our labor when we are in the middle of what some will call one of if not the worst economic crisis in US history. The latest on unemployment is 9.7%...astronomical. So what to do? We certainly have a lot to be proud of, this is still the greatest country in the world. If your fortunate enough to still have a job as I am, then you should feel bad for those less fortunate.

I have a suggestion and I offer it because it has worked for me and it makes complete sense. Be your own boss, take control of your destiny and make life work for you because of you. I have been my own boss for just about 20 years and when there is an economic down turn I know I will be the last guy without a job in my business. Yes its hard but at times like this I wouldn't want it any other way and neither would my family!

So is everyone cut out to be their own boss? My thoughts are yes and absolutely yes. Is everyone going to create a multi-million dollar business? No and they don't have to. All a person needs is enough money to not be a burden on society. Feed and clothe yourself and your family and put a roof over your head, everything else is a luxury. So where does a person start? Business is for business people that are college educated and know about marketing and employees and accounting (oh no!)....NOT!

Today's world is filled with hundreds if not thousands of "work from home" businesses, in my opinion a better option is a network marketing business. Network marketing is the new term for Multi-level marketing businesses. I know, most people have a negative feeling about this but, they ain't what they used to be. Of course there are still many scams out there, but that's true of every transactions you can think of (mortgage brokers come to my mind!). There are some really great opportunities out there. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Some simple some complex and in various industries. What does someone need to do to start? In most cases just listen for about 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes that's it and other times you'll need to make a financial investment and committment.

Here's one that I love because there is no upfront cost, you don't have to sell anything and your only financial committment is to buy something you probably already buy once a month for a nominal $20-$30 a month. After that, all you have to do is tell other people about the opportunity and spread the word. The very cool thing about this is that the products offered for sale are sold at a discount from anywhere else (you get value and everyone you share this with gets value), $1 of every item you and everyone else buys goes to a charity dedicated to feeding starving children around the world and you can make some $$ by sharing this value added concept with others.

Do yourself a favor and spend 30 minutes at this site Yes that is my site, I am part of the program. I offer this concept to you to help those in need or for others to help those in need, but frankly I don't understand why everyone wouldn't want to do this. It cost nothing, offers value, is charitable and you are helping others for absolutely no additional cost in your life! A little skeptical, check this out

For more ideas on how to add value to your business visit my personal collection of ideas and products at

Have a fantastic holiday!


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Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.