Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dear Ole Dad

I want to salute all the parents of the world! Without even knowing it, we go through an enormous part of our lives playing the role of "Master Teacher" and forming and shaping the lives of our children that go on to define tomorrows world. Talk about responsibility...WOW!!!

I find myself looking backwards these days a heck of a lot more than ever. I know everyone says I'm just getting old. Call it what you want, but everyone's life is a huge book of knowledge so learning from it can't be a bad thing. My dad was the most influential person in my life. I guess I should say "is" because I'm still learning from him today even though we lost him to the "Big C" (cancer) as he used to call it. It's been four years already and in just those four years the things I have gone through are amazing.

I've had two kids come of driving age (and promptly crashed of course), a kid go through rehab (doing great in recovery by the way), watch my mom's alzheimer's get pretty bad, almost cash in on the real estate bubble when my house was on sale for 7 figures only to have it fall through at closing, had challenges with the wife, won and lost clients, hired and fired a few employees, witnessed the first Afro-American become President of the United States, attended a few funerals...and this was in 4 years. Was I always thinking and trying to be a "teacher"? NOT! Was I being a teacher? Absolutely!

The scary part about that is people were watching how I acted and reacted in all of those situations and they learned from my behavior whether I wanted them to or not. Just think about that in relation to children. Where do they spend the majority of their lives? Yes with their parents and hopefully with both their parents. The lessons we learn from those that are near and dear to us last forever. We can all only hope to have most of those lessons be helpful and positive. I'll always remember my Dad as a fair but strict parent. He laid down the law and when (not if) you challenged it you were well aware of it. I have five brothers and sisters and I don't remember anyone successfully challenging that law. I remember my Dad laughing at the silliest commercials and jokes and how much he enjoyed us and all family, how he praised and respected my Mom for being the "Best Mother in the World". I remember him caring for his employees and going out of his way to help the local community. Was he aware he was teaching this whole time? Now that I can comprehend the issue I can't ask him so I ask all of you. Do you consider the fact that those near and dear to you are watching and learning from your every move?

Well if my Dad didn't I think he did a phenomenal job anyway. So to all the parents and teachers out there, here's to you!!! I must mention that Mom is a close second to the most influential people in my life. From where I stand, Mom's really are the ultimate "teachers" and I can't express the respect and honor I have for all of them, especially mine and my wife of course!

Here's a small thing I'm trying to do to give back to my community

God bless you all, enjoy your Sunday and please be careful someone is learning from you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope my kids will say that about me. Keep up the good work. It's good to see there are parents out there who are raising good kids. That is really what is going to change the world. Good parents raising good children to be good parents.

Thoughts and lessons learned in my quest to educate those in a position to influence others, to understand their role and hopefully become very successful leaders and mentors.